This is a guest post by Brian Dawson at CloudBees, where he works as a DevOps Evangelist responsible for developing and sharing continuous delivery and DevOps best practices. He also serves as the CloudBees Product Marketing Manager for Jenkins. Last fall CloudBees asked attendees at the Jenkins User Conference – US West (JUC), and other in the Jenkins community to take a survey. Almost 250 people did – and...
Over 2,000 members of the Docker community attended Docker Hack Day events around the world. One of the forty-two Docker Hacks has some familiar names attached… Nicolas De Loof and Yoann Dubreuil from Docker Rennes, who are also active in our community, waved the Jenkins flag in this event and produced Jenkins docker agents plugin. This plugin lets you run builds inside containers, and in that...
Nicolas De Loof will host an office hour next Wednesday 11 AM PDT on integrating Kubernetes with Jenkins. Kubernetes is an open-source project by Google that provides a platform for managing Docker containers as a cluster. During this session, Nicolas will introduce Kubernetes, explain how it can benefit Jenkins and demonstrate the Kubernetes Plugin. Then he will discuss the design of the Kubernetes plugin and plans...
(This is a guest post from Michael Neale) Recently at the Docker Conference (DockerCon) the Docker Hub was announced. The hub (which includes their image building and storage service) also provides some "official" images (sometimes they call them repositories - they are really just sets of images). So after talking with all sorts of people we decided to create an official Jenkins image - which is hosted...
The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. At this event we will talk about the current state of the project and its future evolution.